Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Collective | Priority Needs

It has been more than two months and the easing of the mandatory quarantine doesn’t fit well with most people who has got used to staying indoors. Not all countries have the same protocols but if you’re in Asia most of these restrictions goes beyond what everyone can handle and it shows the difference that the world have the dame experience with this coronavirus pandemic.

It’s ironic that the daily routine I have been used to continue to expand in keeping me challenged at the same time finding a workout since exercise is not from everyone’s mindset. Walking around helps but taking a stroll farther from the usual route is something out of the perspective already was a small feat but an accomplishment.

Finally, making it to the city parks aside from the one nearby was not that daunting though it is something of a workout when you get there and back in time to buy the snacks in less than an hour. But getting to Greenbelt 5 was sort of a new high just to make it to the closes shopping centre in the business district was an experience.

For two months the Shopping Centres were closed and the supermarkets are the ones that were kept open at the beginning of the pandemic. Even the pharmacies that sell prescription medicine were also open while the rest of the non-essentials were all closed up focusing on what it is important for the community.

After 1 June 2020 almost all of the shops in Greenbelt started to open, but just about 60-70 % started to get things opened. Among those that opened their doors are clothing and apparel shops. Toy stores like Toys R’ Us did open and it was one of the first things I did to get there and see how they deal with this ‘new normal’ adhering to health protocols to avoid the spread of the virus. When I got there I wasn’t keen to snap photos as the shop seemed quiet some might say it looked sad.

But for someone who has been to other TRU stores outside the country it is a normal thing with the staff reduced to what is allowed in the size of this store should have been even before the pandemic. It was silent but appropriate to the way it should be not over-staffing the store was a welcoming change.

Like a kid in a candy store you’ll be surprised with a lot of things when entering the Greenbelt 5 branch. But since I was on a very limited time it was get in and out type of plan since I’m only allowed to go for less than an hour and the walk going to and back takes a lot of muscle in my body to get that worked from sleeping and just sitting down the past two months. Of course you try not to get too excited and focus on what was I had to do which is take photos for content and the rest hunt down the ones needed to be picked on.

The new LEGO DOTS caught my attention upon entering the store, but I have to go head to the Transformers section to pick-up the ones I need that are now marked down and have them immediately. The Marvel Legends section seemed to have some new assortments with the Fantastic Four restocked as one of those highlights.

It was time consuming if you’re going to stare and look, but since I’m on the clock there’s not much time but to get what I need and go back. It was satisfying at the same time got what I need and thinking that I guess I was good, for now.

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