Sunday, January 8, 2023

Legaspi Sunday Market | The 2023 Weekend

When you’re looking forward to the weekend it was always going to random scheduled events happening within the area or making the trip to another city to have something of a different experience. But when you come to that age where you just want to spend the day nearby to see the grassroots and all that local culture to mingle with the community you have the weekend markets.

If you’re from or just outside Makati City the weekend markets has become a congregation either you’re with family in the mornings or having post-workout looking for some ‘home grown’ food, craft, and other local produce without going to the grocery this is the sort of place you visit, and the most popular is Legaspi Market.

For years, the Legaspi Sunday Market as it is known has been the go to place for local produce, crafts, plants, ornament, and the variety and diverse of food that you don’t see in food halls or stalls inside a shopping centre. Mainly, some of them may have a day job on the week days and have their side business creating their product for the local community on the weekends.

They’ve basically evolved throughout the years from having taken their place at the Legaspi open carpark from the early 2000s, which is now an elevated parking lot to moving in-between the Washington Sycip Park and the Corinthian building, which owns the carpark as their current venue from 7 AM to 2 PM since making it their permanent fixture even prior to the pandemic.

Around the Market

There have been interesting finds to start 2023, and Legaspi Sunday Market did not disappoint to seeing how the community continue to make this social event grow. Technically they should have this happened on the first Sunday of the year, but it was New Year’s Day as they opened their doors strong with something new to see.

Though not as crowded and a little bit of low key it is held every Sunday takes me back to how the Marion Markets, were it was organized at an opened field as compared to this one being held at the asphalt covered parking lot. Besides that the one back in Marion is only held on the second Sunday of each month.

For Legaspi Sunday Market, this is held every weekend and the challenge to ‘stay fresh’ is up for the locals to bring their uniqueness to the community. Interesting enough to see a local wheel thrower selling off their pottery creations, wooden toys, locally made non-branded clothing, and the usual food stands and rolling carts.

Little Free Library

There’s no actual ‘official public library’ that is funded by the City of Makati, but there are a few handful of places where you get your Library fix in also helping cultivate the power of reading as to let the younger generation that physical books are still a thing than just skimming through digital pages.

The Union Church of Manila have The Library presently being promoted since Legaspi Sunday Market has reopened to the public after strict protocols from the pandemic has eased. They’re running a program that you can trade off your old book by getting one of their books featured in this small cupboard. Interestingly enough to get the community have their young ones get into reading is probably one fo the best way to also let them know there are still libraries in Makati City.

Every Sunday is a unique opportunity to explore the Legaspi Market, but if you have no time to drop by there is also the Salcedo Market that is being held every Saturdays in case you are also new to the city.

For more about the Legaspi Sunday Market, you can follow them through their social media via Facebook and Instagram.

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