Thursday, August 23, 2018

Don't Panic! | The Struggles of Jared Paige

08.23.2018 – Australia is not just influenced by the American culture when it comes to graphic novels or comic books. Most of the independent scene is starting to build up in South Australia thanks in part for Greenlight Comics in supporting the grassroots in getting their voice heard when it you talk about self-published material that is rarely seen in other countries that is dominated by established publishing houses. Original graphic novels created by writers and artists are a rare thing nowadays that is dominated by the superhero genre that is being mined in other multimedia.

But there are others you want to stretch their creative juices and rarely does it get the spotlight. Sometimes it stands out due to the art style or how compelling the narrative is well written. Then there are both combinations that you might catch it like lightning in a bottle.

Then there’s Ben Mitchell a graphic artist who have found his creativity in telling his story. His first graphic novel “The Storm Clouds” had a cult following in some parts of the Australia region. The New South Wales-based artist has found a hit in his original creation that spawned two more books. It’s impressive that his self-published work is getting quite the word of mouth with “Storm Clouds” going on several more print runs. But “Don‘t Panic!” the sequel to the beloved series may be something more than Jared’s story.

Published: 2015
Content: For Mature Readers
Language: English

The follow-up to “Storm Clouds” is “Don’t Panic” which tells the story of what happened through the eyes of Jared Paige before he became the wanted man. The former lead vocalist turned bartender has been the focus of this story. It gives a different perspective about “Storm Clouds” when Jared becomes the storyteller in this series.

“Don’t Panic!” is a prequel to the “Storm Clouds” taking place in 2011 at Bontown, a fictional town where Jared lives and how he came to be this interesting character. The element of a detective series continues in this prequel with more background story on how Jared, the lead vocalist for his former band Chances evolved into this dark gritty character that will be revealed in “Storm Clouds” years later.

Relatable Character to Reality

When Ben Mitchell was writing “Don’t Panic” he shares how he had went through with his mental health, the struggle with his personal life reflects on the character of Jared Paige. From the onset when reading the first few pages you immediately connect to the character as struggling with anxiety and mental health as one of the factors why “Don’t Panic!” immediately connects with his readers.

As with discussing with depression every one out of ten Australians faces difficulty with their mental health. The struggle to find work, acceptance, and other things is one of the key factors why depression is slowly becoming more relevant and accepted in Australia. Some countries like the Philippines still think depression is just an emotion that most people go through, but how it is now addressed in Australia is slowly gaining acceptance that it is more than just emotion but a serious matter.

“Don’t Panic!” is one of those books that deals with the issue through the character of Jared Paige before his imminent fall from grace in “Storm Clouds” was told in this book.

Tone, Color, and Connection

“Don’t Panic!” is so far quite different from how Ben Mitchell wrote its narrative and fills the gaps on what made Jared Paige a compelling character before the events in “Storm Clouds.” It clearly connects with his readers regarding the situation that the character and writer has gone through. The color itself shows how Ben was going through a lot in writing the prequel to his hit series. Presentation of the book is not just limited to the cover and content even the small comic strip wrapping around the book has a story worth reading.

Overall the series reveals the challenges how Ben Mitchell went through in reflection to how Jared Paige is portrayed. “Don’t Panic!” is worth every read from cover to the cliff hanger. It gives you an entirely new perspective about Jared Paige and the other characters that became prominent in this book. The best follow-up to “Storm Clouds” and can’t wait until you read “Ghost Beach” which is also available now through with brief synopsis of the series.

“Don’t Panic!” is the follow-up to the hit “Storm Clouds” series written and illustrated by Mitchell, the graphic novel was acquired at Greenlight Comics in South Australia. For more about The Strom Clouds Series featuring “Don’t Panic!” visit the site at:

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