Sunday, July 3, 2016

PSP X | More Than An Art Community

07.03.2016 – There are varying degrees of art but nothing like the expressive mantra of Graffiti or Street Art whatever you call it. There’s nothing like a creating expression created on a blank wall that has become a canvass for everyone to see.

If you haven’t heard about the Pilipinas Street Plan, then you must have been stuck under the rock indulging on your noon time shows, nightly telenovelas, and the occasional corny joke on your favorite radio station to ever see what they’ve done. This year marks their tenth anniversary and they’ve grown beyond as a community.

Pilipinas Street Plan is a collective of talented visual artists not only paint some blank wall in a remote place hardly seen by mainstream, but a close knit community that have grown to become a family of creative minds. Their something special about this group that shows that there are more talented artists in the Philippines than just what the usual Filipino knows about art.

I first got introduced to PSP back in 2011 when I participated in one of their workshops that they have collaborated with Lopez Museum. The workshop was about recycling common toys into turning them into works of art, which after few later was being sold at Art in the Park in that same year.

On the night they celebrated their 10th anniversary a collection of art was on display at the Pablo Gallery in their BGC Tagiuig Gallery. It features the group works of Analog, A.Lien, Chill, Egg Fiasco, Epjey, Nemo, JJ ‘EXLD’ Zamoranous, Garapata, Garapata, Geloy, VR, and Wesley Valenzuela. Beside the art that you see which includes the installations done by this talented group there was food and drinks.

Pablo Gallery was gracious to all the friends, and family of PSP that lasted in the wee hours of the night, where you can see the camaraderie of this ever growing community. For most part of the night it was just about hanging out with like minded individuals who appreciate art the way it should be.

PSP X: Pilipinas Street Plan 10th Anniversary Exhibit from July 2 to 30, 2016 at the Pablo Gallery The Fort. For more shows LIKE Pablo Galleries and follow on Instagram at: Pablo_post


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