Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cognizant Technologies Lack of Professionalism.

02.08.2011 - The longest tenure I've been in a company is three years. In those years I spent most of my time working the best I could. I never cared for the pay as long as I can get along with people and its near my place which was never stressful to travel.

Even though I had bad health conditions I still manage to report for work to the point they want me to take a sick leave. Of course I have to decline because I still walk and be able to be competitive. In those remaining years I’ve been with a financial account I was only late three times in a year.

You can call me a workaholic and that’s satisfying my quench for such a work ethic.
Jump after the cut...

I had to quit work because things around me have become redundant, and I need a change of work place to keep my drive for this kind of job.

Unfortunately that long break had left me doing freelance blog and going to events, which I don't have any complaints about not getting paid for it. Because I like what I do regardless the situation precedes me. For almost a year I stop working in a call center industry, because the other reason is its quite stressful. Six years in the industry can make or break you.

I would still consider working again, but probably in a different theme. Probably a non-voice related account would be just fine. So a week ago I received an invitation to apply at Cognizant Technologies. I missed attending to the application last week, since I'm still recovering from a nasty cough and flu that sidelined me for a week.

When Monday came even under stress of trying to recover I still went and traveled all the way to McKinley Hill again, since last Friday I was still struggling with the cough. I was able to make to McKinley last Friday late in the afternoon, which is pretty much too late.

I went to McKinley Hill Monday afternoon traveling there was difficult and I was still trying to catch my breath hoping to make it on time.

Indeed. I was sweating so bad all that heat and stress has taken its toll on me. But I didn't just went there to quit, because I wanted the Non-Voice Process Associate for an Insurance Account so badly.

So I went to the 5th floor and fill-up the form, but once I submitted my info the girl from the reception told me that I had to have a "Health Care" experience to get this position. I was pretty much surprised immediately when the girl told me about, and asks to apply for another position. I replied back that I came here for the non-voice account and there was no indication or detailed information that you need to be an experienced "Health Care" for an insurance account.

If I knew in the first place that you need to be a "Health Care" experience I won't try going to McKinley Hill, while still trying to recover under this health condition. I even told the lady in the reception and showed the text message I received, and all she can say is that she doesn't know anyone with the number "09175654901".

I was a bit upset about the lack of information and communication between the recruitment who sent me a text message and the people at the reception. I think they perceived me as stupid, who would rather take a voice account that I didn't want.

If you are a corporate company you won't lure new hires with lack of information, which would upset A LOT of people who would want a NON-VOICE account right?

I'm starting to be very disappointed with the way they promote themselves, which is pretty much blatant retarded. Cognizant better start posting ACCURATE information inviting people who would like to get the non-voice account, and the way I went in the place it had bad vibes all over.

I even went back to confirm with the girl from reception, that they really can't get me to apply a non-voice account. So it’s confirmed that when I texted the person, who invited me in the first place.

Whoever this faceless individual didn’t care for my health condition making my way there for nothing. Cognizant should get their recruitment team consistent in communicating and giving DETAILED information on each position they announce. All I can say it if everyone is a customer and if you dissatisfy one customer I'm sure this story will be around to give you a piece of bad experience you have given me.

I worked in a customer service related account before. Don't think that's one of the reasons why I never like applying for that position?

Better get your people straight Cognizant Technologies, you gave me a bad taste of your hospitality.

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