Thursday, December 7, 2023

Vinyl on Vinyl | Arb'o

Sometimes odd things happen when there is something special about different works merging into one collaboration between artists.

This group art show is about three people creating their art styles that would give you a subjective perspective on their works that would define unity under their different personalities and visual concepts.

Arb’o is an ancient Syriac Aramaic for the number 4 (four). In this exhibition titled “Arb’o” three artists, Guy Custodio, Demosthenes Campos, and Carl Dumdum utilized the idea of number sequences and explored the symbolism of physicality and spirituality associated with the number 4.

The works showcase curation elements through each artist’s interpretation incorporating symbols and meanings of the harmony of the cosmos the number 4; Arb’o, which is where you will see the culmination of these three gentlemen’s collaboration through this special group show.

The reception and opening of the exhibition happened last night, and if you missed it, here are some images from that show.

“Arb'o" is a Three-Man Show featuring Guy Custodio, Demosthenes Campos, and Carl Dumdum that opened on 6 December 2023, and will be taking space in one of the galleries at Vinyl on Vinyl until the end of this year.

For more about this gallery and other exhibits just follow Vinyl on Vinyl via their social media on Facebook and Instagram!

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