Thursday, June 18, 2020

Toy Photo Stories | Playground Splurge

Early this morning on the usual errand in-between the trip to buy lunch at the nearest store I’ve added the routine to put in a cardio by walking since this is the only time I can break a sweat. There have been changes since the pandemic of being cautious to what we do whenever we take ourselves going outdoors as the reason for priorities than an excuse for leisure.

This does not apply to other countries that don’t have higher rates of cases and deaths. But the Philippines having more cases in the ASEAN region reported this past week it is not an easy task for every Filipino to take that discipline. When you pass through the places that use to be lively with people like the parks and playgrounds it looks glum now while charter my way to this area...

Today is National Splurge Day which is listed for the month of June 2020 in the is more like a cheat day spend on something for this day. Though had some ideas to define splurging not in a monetary way, but through a toy photo story and putting my perspective on every child nearby wishing to have been running around the playground inside the Legaspi Park.

Of course through the context of the National Splurge Day if a child is given the opportunity to go out would it be the time to spend a morning at the playground? Definitely through this six photo narrative a kid in a form of a LEGO Minifigure spends all of his one hour at the park’s playground equipment crossing the tight rope, solving the puzzle while basking in the morning sun before taking the slide before he heads home for lunch as narrative through the images below:


This post does not encourage or support anyone or any young child to take it seriously to go outdoors and spend time in the playground as not advisable due to the current pandemic of COVID-19 is still out there. This toy photo story is more written for the context as one of the ideal example concept of how to promote National Splurge Day through the art of Toy Photography. There are other ways to splurge in promoting this day and you can find some ideas in this link HERE.


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