The second “A Star Wars Story” had more optimism in this film than the tragic narrative on how the Death Star plans ended in the hands of Princess Leia prior to “A New Hope.” Solo certainly wasn’t the man he was before you met him in the original Star Wars trilogy but it makes a good origin that made this character a legend.

From the mean streets of Corellia to meeting Chewbacca and seeing how classy the Millennium Falcon looks like when it was at the hands of Lando Calrissian, the stories about Han Solo wasn’t a smooth ride to the sunset. Ron Howard certainly had his hands full when he took over director duties did his best in making sure this film was on hyperdrive to the box office.
The Last Jedi was just released nearly five months ago and it sure a shocker on that film. The tone on these “A Star Wars Story” films where different, though trying to capture the nostalgic “Lucas feels” it’s a good film, but not as spectacular as you’d expect. For any Star Wars fan everything is good enough to make them jump off their seats that have something to do with this franchise. Solo has a compelling origin on how he grew up to be Harrison Ford or so we have seen. For Alden Ehrenreich stepping in the shoes of Ford’s beloved character was making it his own was right.

The cast that also include Donald Glover as the younger cape collecting Sabacc card playing suave as Lando was spot on. Then there’s the ever gorgeous Emilia Clarke lighting up this film as Solo’s childhood friend and love interest as the mysterious Q’ra who works for Crimson Dawn that reveals more (watch it in the end).
It’s not totally a great film but it’s a good film for newcomers to the Star Wars franchise to get hooked on even though given the flaws of the film are there. But entirely fast-paced space adventure with elements of western and heist film this origin tale of the ‘nerf herder’ certainly needs some affection. There’s so much more left out in this film that a possible sequel can be made or in the next Star Wars Anthology that’s something to see.

Overall Solo: A Star Wars Story is a good film to see, but please Lucasfilms should wait out at least a year after the last Star Wars movie. It’s a recipe for franchise exhaustion to happen. Let the excitement build-up with something fans doesn’t know. But everything in this film certainly looked good.
“Solo: A Star Wars Story” is now showing in cinemas worldwide. Its now playing in Australia and New Zealand since May 24, 2018, from Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Studios in cinemas.
NOTE: This film was screened publicly at Palace Nova East End in Adelaide, South Australia. This is reviewed with a personal opinion without spoilers not for you to agree or disagree about the views written by the author but to gain insight on his perspective about the film.
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