Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Year After | Life in Australia

05.22.2018 – What a year it has been to live in a foreign country I hardly know.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have this opportunity to have experience what its like to live far away from home and to be honest its not as easy at may seem. I have travelled to other places but living in one changes the perspective entirely. Not only it gives you a different look at life but theay you connect with people.

Travel is good it opens your eyes to what other countries culture is different from the one you used to all your life, but living longer going through the day teaches you anywhere its not what everyone thought was a breeze

But would I compare this country to where I was born? I’d say no though my thoughts have crossed those boundaries, and through everyday learning experience I’d come to terms that it’s a mistake to have that perspective. Everything about Australia or South Australia in particular is different.

Adelaide may not be a popular destination for tourists and most of the younger generation calls it’s a boring place to live. Honestly, if you have read the information about this state and its history there’s a lot more some would probably ignore about this place. You can say its “boring” but when you look at it from the inside out this state is a place for families and where elder people retire.

In the last twelve months I got used to the bus commutes. Some of my Australian colleagues say they’d rather drive a car as they get ‘bus sick’ for the terrible suspensions. Though driving gives you the control of time riding a bus isn’t there are scheduled bus routes by downloading the Adelaide Metro app. Its well organized even though they’re not perfect it gets you to where you want to go.

The government and the land transportation have a good relationship with organized bus commuting with bus, trains and trams. But most of the time it’s the bus that gets you there and the stops are well planned in the city and throughout the suburbs.

You can say South Australia is one of those provinces in the Philippines that promote its culture in the arts, outdoors, and family oriented activities. The beaches are accessible if you just want to spend time fishing. When it comes to transport the bicycles or called “push bikes” are a priority on the road second to elder people driving their gophers.

I’ve never last long enough to be here and I can never ask for more. A year here has changed my perspective about life in general and how you go through it. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring for here in South Australia. I’ve met good people a long the way and even those who would help in unexpected places. Leaving the Philippines was unexpected drastically since December 2016 and I wasn’t prepared for everything even though you’re physical ready.

If you asked me about missing home I’d say a bit, but I have been there long enough that my life has become so routine I had to break it. South Australia taught me a lesson about reality and I’m still learning. I’m humbled about the little things and appreciating them each day and I never imagined living here was possible.

Everybody has their own perspective and not anyone has the same experience I have gone through. Some have it difficult while others had luck but for me it’s a mix good an rough though in my thoughts I always still have hope left to be thankful for this everyday that still teaches me and there more stories to share here in South Australia.

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