Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cookie Monster pleads "Share It Maybe!"

07.11.2012 – Cookie Monster is one of the iconic characters that I grew up watching Sesame Street. He’s my personal favorite among the quirky monsters living in a street that had a giant yellow bird and a green dirty monster living in a trash can.

There was even a Snuffleupagus who has been around but no grown up seems to meet him due to bad timing. There were also those two roommates where one loves a pigeon and the other who just can’t bath without his rubber ducky. Sesame Street has a lot of colorful but none of them as blue and hairy like that munching cookie machine.

So with the popularity of Carla Rae Jepsen’s single “Call Me Maybe” has been a trend last month and the things went down until Cookie Monster came up with his own rendition of that song titled now as “Share It Maybe.”

Now the video is giving other renditions a run for their money and I’d say this one is my favorite until I see Cookie Monster does something new for now I’m watching this…

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