Sunday, August 30, 2020

Bill & Ted | Facing The Music

Bill & Ted franchise is one of those B-Movies that crossed boundaries in the mainstream and cultivated a following. The original "Bill & Ted Excellent Adventures" was phenomenal and unexpected that produced a sequel with “Bogus Journey” that was shown in 1991.

Nineteen years later the last film finally made this franchise into a trilogy with “Face the Music” picking up in real-time what happened to the dudes' Bill & Ted now as middle-aged parents to their daughters.

Honestly, I was never a fan of the films and didn’t get bitten by the bug to ever watch it in cinemas though another similar film “Wayne’s World” was the one that sticks to mind watching the films while I was a student with fellow colleagues who invited me to catch both Wayne’s World movies in cinemas.

Getting into Bill & Ted was a bit late for me and as a newbie comicbook reader in the 1990s what caught my attention was its four-color page adaptation that was a short run, which Marvel comics published that was eventually canceled. I recall picking a copy of issue two which was sitting at Filbar’s shelves that have been unnoticed. I can’t remember anymore the plot point of the overall story if this issue, but what caught my attention was the artwork.

The rest of the issue seems forgettable for just good adaptation based on the said movies. But Face the Music eventually happened after so many times of restarts and picked up interest since 2010. Keanu eventually spilled the story two years before it was greenlit to go on production which eventually found its voice when more fans clamored that secured funding to be produced.

It immediately picks up where they last left off with Bogus Journey and reveals a complex at the same time some awkward scenes. But it turned me into a fan despite the slow pace in the opening scenes. Aside from how their daughters sounding like them it’s kind of weird seeing Keanu as a clean-shaven dude or is it CGI like how Henry Cavill’s mustache was removed on 2017’s Justice League. But unlike Keanu’s shaven look you get immersed in this world in how they have to deal catastrophic multiverse chaos after so many years not writing the song that would unite the multiverse.

There has been some nostalgic tongue in cheek callbacks to the films as well as some Easter eggs like in the scene when Bill Preston & Ted Logan was speaking to the Great Leader when they were brought forward into the future asking them to compose the song that was prophesized in uniting the world there was shelves of guitars and instruments aching to The Matrix scene (that also features Keanu in the lead) when Neo asks for “Guns, Lots of Guns,” but instead they were given the instruments to write the song.

Despite the pandemic with no open cinemas to see it on the big screen, the Video On Demand was the option most have seen this film and it was worth the watch and some laughs taking you back to the 1990s how this two-part film closes the loop with this third film becoming a trilogy that is worth the wait to see it.

"Bill & Ted: Face the Music" is now playing through Video On Deman since 28 August 2020 in selected countries. Its also showing in Australia & New Zealand this 10 September 2020 (Australia) distributed by Madman Films in Australia & New Zealand and for the rest of thr world HERE!


NOTE: This film is still being screened privately through Video On Demand due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is reviewed with a personal opinion without spoilers not for you to agree or disagree about the views written by the author but to gain insight on his perspective about the film.

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