Friday, March 15, 2013

The Incredibly Funny Burt Wonderstone!

03.15.2013 – The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is a comedy film that was already shown in North America on March 15, 2013 from New Line Cinema which stars Steve Carrell, Steve Buscemi, and the lovely Olivia Wilde with Jim Carrey.

The film is directed by Don Scardino and written by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, based on a story by Chad Kultgen & Tyler Mitchell, and Daley & Goldstein.

It’s a rising magician who goes through struggles in life and deeming himself during the course of the film.

Carell and Buscemi teams up as two famous magicians as their film together which is a good comedy in the making tandem. Mostly the story focuses on Carrell’s character which is obviously the title of the film.

It’s been a while since Steve Buscemi had a second billing for this film which gives him the chance to show his comedic talents. Olivia Wilde’s has a smaller role but makes good for a leading lady/partner of the main character. She’s been getting a lot of movies roles lately Post-House TV show.

Throwing in the “wild card” for this film is Jim Carrey which inspired him to put on a magic of his own as Steve Gray that was an out of this world inspiration from Street Magician in Chris Angel.

Carrey was last seen in 2011’s Mr. Popper’s Penguin in a lead role for this one expect a rumble with the magicians sparks fly. Jim Carrey teams up with Steve Carell and Steve Buscemi to complete cast with Olivia Wilde and classic actor in Allan Arkin. Its sure beats having a good laugh having these actors in one film.

The premise of the film about the fall and rise of a magician and finding value among true friends is one of those messages not seen in this kind of theme. When you’re having a great time being entertained by their humor you tend to not notice this but for those who watches this kind of films it’s the usual theme that can be given to the younger generation who only see the entertainment value.

Overall The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is laughter best prescribed as your entertainment medicine just spends with the rest of your friends. The film opens in Philippine cinemas on March 20, 2013!