Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Church Simplified: Walkway 2013!

03.27.2013 – The Philippines go off on a vacation to reflect for the Holy Week and it has been a tradition all throughout the country. The Lenten Season is where everyone goes out of town to find time to spend with family and friends.

But if you’re just in town to spend the Holy Week why not try spending a quiet time participating from Church Simplified the organizers of the Walkway that they have set up at the Bonifacio Global City’s High Street. Church Simplified is a group of people from various backgrounds wrestling with questions of faith, church, and God as described in their website.

I've been participating in their Walkway since 2009 and for the first time since that year I only missed it in 2012 as I was down south spending my first Holy Week.

For this year they headline Easter Sunday with Jars of Clay coming to town to hold a special concert since they are a Christian Band. But this is not about putting the band for this year’s Walkway.

Every year is a unique and uplifting experience and if you haven’t been there at High Street in the last five years they have become more interactive as the group is present to assist you with questions and with more help. It’s their mission to make things simplified for you to find your faith back in God.

Now the Walkway has fourteen stations starting just about the border of Serendra just about where the flagship of Fullybooked now stands.

Each landmark has a story about Jesus Christ and what the message conveys as the 14 stations tell you. Its basically tells you the story from the day Jesus Christ was betrayed up to his crucifixion and his resurrection.

It gives you time to reflect during the Holy Week and to be closer with your family. It has been shall we say my personal tradition to just be there even before Jars of Clay became their band for the Easter Sunday celebration. Under the heat of the sun you start with the first station and you’ll never realize reaching the far end of High Street where one of the group volunteers greets you with a smile.

The long Holy Week maybe a great way to be out of town but if you’re just in the city this is the right place for you to find yourself and spend with your family.

The Walkway has opened since March 24 to 31, 2013 and for more details and updates LIKE Church Simplified on Facebook and follow on Twitter: @CSimplified

Visit the website at: