03.30.2013 – The return of the annual Black Saturday Meet-up after a year of hiatus in 2012 was supposed to be its last in 2011. It’s like a reboot of sorts but this is a non-committal plan that has become a personal tradition since 2009.
This year it was more of a movie marathon and having a good time grilling experimental burgers for our snack. It’s not that difficult if you know that there are little accomplishments that would lead to a successful inspiration done by another friend who was not present for this meet-up. |
It’s good that the commercial establishments are finally open after two days of Holy Week break which rarely happens compared to the previous year where some still are closed up until Easter Sunday.
For this year we started watching Star Trek (2009), Wreck-It Ralph (2012), Paranorman (2012), Rise of the Guardians (2012), and the pilot episode of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while in the middle of the screening we had grilled experimental burgers inspired Manila Munch’s Lico Reloj and a couple of red wine.
There were no card games or even a Nintendo Wii party unlike back in 2011 when most of the guests where trying to beat the three-point shootout in the Wii Sports Resort game.

Most of the time there was more of “going back to basics” in just relaxing in watching movies and the occasional geek talk about anything and everything in-between. Probably next year it would be a tradition again when everyone’s out of town but then again it might not happen but it’s all good just to hang out with good friends.
This reminds me of the Open House Marathon back at the old place dating back to December 2000 where we used to watch Japanese Anime. Those where the rare moments you invite a group of friends just literally enjoy the movies.
It’s all good alright before getting ready for the big Sunday back at the Bonifacio High Street for the Jars of Clay.