Sunday, April 28, 2019

Día del Libro 2019 | Fandom for Book Readers

04.28.2019 - “Dia del Libro” is a celebration for World Book Day” organized by Instituto Cervantes, and has been an annual event since 2006. For 2019, the celebration continues with participating publishers and independent writers promoting their works and inviting new readers to discover new stories from up-and-coming local artists.

Of course, this year is also where the Visprint publication will be participating along with one of their flagship books will have a presence of local creators from Trese in a very long time. It is a reunion for longtime readers of the popular graphic novel as one of the highlights of this year’s event that has been forthcoming since the announcement of the soon-to-be-released Netflix animated series.

Besides being one of the talked about highlights from Visprint, the event is also interactive with mini-games organized by participating exhibitors. There are new participating exhibitors and independent publishers presenting their works from novels to children’s books that you may find from publishers and bookstores.

You can also find bargain books, and save on discounted titles you may find that no one has ever discovered as some might also be rare gems. There are booth tents to explore as well as an opportunity to participate in other activities like mural painting and other activities lined up for the rest of the day for this whole day affair.

The Ayala Triangle Gardens will be bustling with people coming in and out of the park who are unaware of this event and for those looking forward to it since the announcement as this is free entry to see what books you’ll find.

Budjette and Kajo at the Visprint Booth

The creators of the popular Trese graphic novel are always on cloud nine despite both having lived in two different locations. Budjette is now based in Billund, while Kajo is down south of Davao City. They’re ecstatic to share their announcement to longtime Trese readers that the animated series is on its way to development.

At the same time, they are taking questions and signing books to longtime fans and to those who recently discovered their book. Trese is truly flying high despite that the most recent books have been taking a while to be released since both creators have been busy with their careers and have been eually proud of their creations slowly getting the global attention that has been ever since they started as photocopy print.

A Celebration for the Readers

Dia del Libro has continued its success in promoting reading, and the books are not extinct like the dinosaurs and will continue to thrive despite the lack of not having accessible public libraries for everyone in the country. There will always be book-related events out there to remind those who think books are the way of the dinosaurs are not going away that easily unlike audio and video stores.

The highlight today is all about the popularity of Trese and this is not its peak, and wait until the Netflix show gets streamed. The news of its development is promising and fans can’t wait for it. At the same time, the next volume of the popular graphic novel is in the works with Budjette and Kajo on top of it.

“Dia del Libro” is a one-day event held at the Ayala Triangle Gardens on 27 April 2019 organized by Instituto Cervantes. For more about their upcoming events, you can follow Instituto Cervantes on their social media via Facebook and Instagram!

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