12.12.2017 – Rarely I’ve been reading comics lately as I’m always out of the house of the time and when I’m home I’m doing something else. For a time I could have enough hours to read comic books with the exception of the stuff I got from friends back in the Philippines that I currently loaned to Ross of Greenlight Comics to try out the Filipino flavour of what some of the people I knew had to offer.
So basically I just browse pages these days whenever I have a chance to visit Greenlight, which that happened a few days ago after attending the last Comic Lovers and Creator’s Meet at Grace Emily Hotel and the Adelaide Ladies Comic Club to sort of ‘market” the aforementioned books and see what they think about some of the ones I have read like Gerry Alanguilan and Kevin Ray Valentino’s “Bakokak” or Budjette Tan, JB Tapia and Bow Guerrero’s sequel to the 2012 graphic hit Demon Dungeon aptly titled now as “Classificado.” But I’ll save the personal review for Classificado and Doorkeeper in the next few weeks. For now, while I was at Greenlight Comics, I just happen to come across a book about “Duran Duran, Imelda Marcos, and ME” by Lorina Mapa, a Fil-Canadian who happens to publish this book early this year. |
So this book exist that I suddenly saw in the biography section at Greenlight Comics. Ross has told me the only reason this book was ordered is because their casual employer Sarah was into Duran Duran. It turns out she didn’t know what’s the actual content of this book. But being from the Philippines I knew that this was a comic book that Lorina Mapa had wrote during her trip back to the country where she has connections to her childhood. Basically the entire story revolves around her trip to her native land and finding out about the history from the time of President Marcos to the People Power movement in 1986 to the present.

I even shared to Ross the exact image of how the former Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino died in the tarmac of the then known Philippine International Airport in 1983. I haven’t read the entire book just browsed in and flipped the pages to see how well detailed Lorina had drawn all of the pages in black and white.
Surprisingly how this book made it to South Australia because of “Duran Duran” which still sits at the shelf of Greenlight Comics’ biography section. I also found out that the shop already sold like 2 to 3 copies. Interesting enough, I’d suggest this to all Filipino-based Australians not only in South Australia, but to any Pinoy who doesn’t know the modern history of their country. Its US cover priced at $18.00 US while it can only be found at Greenlight Comics going for $28.80 AU Dollars.
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