Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anne Curtis takes the MRT to see Kylie Minogue!

07.05.2011 - On the way home while on the road... I actually saw this trending on social media while walking home, I just happen to catch Anne Curtis sending her tweet after she arrived from her travel to Sidney Australia a few hours.

Interesting to see this bubbly woman in her adventures in the city. Actually, she was running late for a major concert of for Kylie Minogue who was in the country, and I was wishing the tickets where not that expensive. I like to expereince local concerts, but it is an investment worth it if you have the budget to spend away foreign acts coming to the country.

Ever wonder if she's going to get volunteers to Do The Locomotion on stage? Local celebrities like Ms. Curtis certainly have the following to take notice about her excietment in having the experience to go to these concerts. But what makes it noticeable is her and a couple of friends taking a public mass trasit service like the MRT 3.

Jump after the cut...

Ms Curtis-SMith's bravery taking a commute by traveling via the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) is new to the eyballs of social media as some can now relate to her being "normal" with this kind of lifestyle. She's really down-to-Earth like most people have rubbed elbows with her in person.

Its all good that she has her assistant with her, and supportive about the first two coach of the train only dedicated to female passengers.

This was a trending story through social media that she's given everyone her expereince sentence tweet accompanied with this bubbly photo. This reminds me of the time the late great Francis M. took the MRT just to meet up his contacts in Makati five years ago.

Rarely you see celebrities who would like to ride any of the public mass-transit service like the MRT or the LRT, maybe they should try take the bus or jeepney sometime.

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