For anyone who needs to see something different that has dry wit and quite a well-written story, Ted Lasso might be your man It’s remarkable how a show that appears boring slowly grows on you and disarms and peels off all that maddening thoughts of this world we live in and Jason Sudekis has just found his groove.
Ted Lasso is an Apple TV Original Series that was based on NBC Sports Promotional Ads for Europe that features Jason Sudekis as this Soccer Coach. In these ads, Lasso is featured as this dumbfounded coach with driven optimism as expanded in the series. Currently, the series is in its sixth episode titled “Two Aces.”
The episode opens up to the aftermath of Ted Lasso’s break up with his wife, who came to visit with their son in the previous episode “Tan Lines.” But Lasso never let himself drown in misery goes on a deep dive to work opening a press conference for the local journalists after their first win (also in the previous episode). This also reveals a new athlete from Mexico named Dani Roxas.
Behind the scenes Lasso plans to motivate and inspire his star and franchise player Jamie Tartt since he was benched in the game they’ve won. In the early part of the episodes after Lasso’s press conference, Jamie said he was hurt and its “just practice,” which the scene and dialogue take inspiration to how former NBA and Hall of Famer Allen Iverson had spoken to the media talking about missing practice. This echo’s to Ted Lasso’s dialogue that he unloaded on Jamie.
But there were random patches in the road when Dani got injured during practice and believes the team is cursed. The curse was from 1914 and Lasso gathers his team to “sacrifice” anything of value to reverse it. Also in this story how Rebecca felt slight by his ex-husband being called in the papers as “Old” as there’s a ‘New Rebecca” in her ex’s life. Things almost worked out to the majority part of the episode until Jamie who was loaned by Manchester to AFC Richmond was returned initiated by Rebecca to derail the team.

Lighthearted and true to form Ted Lasso would grow on you if you’re looking for a good show with an interesting but familiar twist that most sports comedies have. An owner of the team who wants to sink it due to the end of her marriage to the former owner, an aging footballer who doesn’t care, and a young star that defined his ego are some of the storylines that make the series interesting.
Overall “Two Aces” has slowly built up to the good of Ted Lasso that Rebecca was not expecting at the same time interesting storylines that defined the show. But the best part was the scene with Ted Lasso unloading Allen Iverson’s “just practice” statement that has become part of this series lore. Surely, a series that everyone needs right now just to laugh and see what’s cooking with Ted Lasso only on Apple TV!
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