“The Other Side” as the title of her latest show gives you a perspective on how Ciane Xavier pushers artistry to new levels of expression. Her evolution from being a model and personality to those early days of just drawing random things has brought the talented artist a large following from art collectors.
When you take the steps to her latest show located at one of the mini-galleries of Vinyl on Vinyl it transports you to a world that defines the title of her Solo Show. It has adult content that’s artistic at the same time truly expressive of her personality.
If you haven’t had the chance to witness the opening night some of the images from her exhibition will certainly give you an idea what “The Other Side” is all about…

From impressive paintings, installations, and intricately expressive sculptures Ciane’s work has certainly grown with each art it has given a wide view of a perspective that caught up interest with her latest Solo Show. When you make it to this side of the exhibit a sculpture sits on the edge of a chair that appears diminutive and dsepicts the character on a sombre mood.
There are paintings framed that shows shapes on the edge as you see the expressions while you look up if you thought they’re merely just straws of lights you see figurines standing upside down like you’ve been transported to a ‘mirror universe.’
At sides of the walls sculptures lined up from various shapes and sizes an emption for each character can be defined, but it would better for you to personally see them that will give you a personal preference on each work the artist has given full attention on how well you define her work.

“The Other Side” featuring Ciane Xavier’s fourth Solo Show and a first with Vinyl on Vinyl was launched along with two other solo shows and a group show in the main gallery on 15 May 2019 and will be on exhibit for the next three weeks.
For more details of Ciane Xavier’s “The Other Side” Solo Show and other exhibits follow Vinyl on Vinyl’s social media via Facebook and Instagram!
Visit the site at: VinylonVinylGallery.com
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